Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Another Disclaimer:  I write my blog in class, I know I know, but it is the only time I have internet on my computer and so I do it very quickly and usually without proof reading so I apologize for all the grammatical errors and misspelling!

Yesterday afternoon we went to Pisa, which is about an hour bus ride from Florence and a super quick and cheap afternoon adventure.  The only thing in Pisa is the leaning tower, and I mean that is pretty much it! We googled the top 10 things to do in Pisa and we did about half of them:

1. See the leaning tower:

2. & 3. See the cathedral and baptistry:

4. Watch and take pictures of people doing poses:

Vanessa showing off her muscles:

Me pushing the tower over onto Cruz:

 4. Eat in Pisa

5. Shopping - which we did but there are no pictures of the market.

The rest were things like, going out, sleeping, etc. As you can see there isn't much to do in Pisa but it was a fun afternoon trip and you can't come to Italy for a month without getting a pic with the Tower!!



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